Ultimate Guide to Project Management Processes
This is the ultimate guide to Project Management process. It is suitable for and applicable to any methodology. Any project you manage, you will go through this steps.
Just in case, let’s set some basics
Worth defining what is a project first. Project is a time constrained endeavor to produce a result (product or service) It means that project has a start and an end, it works towards a particular deliverable, has a set of goals and objectives. It’s different from operations, or business-as-usual procedures, or product management. Though they can include projects or be “projectised”. Basically, anything that has a start, an end and a goal is a project. And if you are managing that activity, you are a project manager (officially or not).
Project management is a combination of processes aimed at delivering that result within given constraints: time, budget and scope (quality). This love triangle of constraints is the Holy grail of Project Management. You cannot have a project without those three and you cannot change one without influencing others (one or both).
That’s what project management is all about: navigating muddy waters of deliverables, schedules, unknowns and risks, stakeholders and contractors, to achieve a result. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and lost on that expedition. That’s why we’ve put together this guide for you.

- Initiating
- Planning
- Executing
- Monitoring and control
- Closing
1. Project has the beginning and the end.That’s your initiating and closing. Both of them can be phases on their own which means they’ll include initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and control and closing on their own. If the project is big it may take quite some time if it’s a smaller one - it can all happen in PM’s head and take like 15 mins combined.
2. Planning never stops.It’s heavier in the beginning and reduces towards the end. But you always go back and refine and update your project plan with new details, discoveries, risk mitigations, etc.
3. Execution of a project (development) may be iterative, which means it will have its own phases - sprints, for example. But each sprint is nothing but the representation of those process groups:
- Initiation
- Sprint planning
- Sprint itself - execution and monitoring and control
- Closing - Retro and review
4. Monitoring and control is similar to planning as it doesn’t really stop and starts almost together with planning. It get’s a lot of input from planning and feeds its outputs into project management plan. 5. Depending on what methodology is used, project can be broken down into phases that may have all to some of those process groups TOGETHER with project on its own Waterfall-ish:
- Initiating
- Planning
- Design
- Infrastructure
- Development
- Integration
- Close and hand-over
- Sprint zero or planning
- Sprint 1
- Sprint 2 Etc...
Whatever breakdown is there, all the phases will be under the umbrella of major project process groups as you progress towards the goal. It is something that happens at the background (or better over and all around) project plan, Gantt charts, sprint plans, backlogs, etc.
PMBoK identifies 10 knowledge areas that exist across those process group. If process groups are stages and more or less define sequence of events, knowledge areas are, in layman's terms, things that Project Managers need to deal with and activities they need to perform to achieve goals (processes) throughout the project grouped by area of expertise.
Check project management process groups

1. Initiating process group
- Create project charter
- Identify Stakeholders And those activities run in parallel.
When you create Project Charter you understand the scope - problem that this project supposes to solve (or an opportunity to explore). It is the essence and the base of your project, it’s backbone. All further decisions will be based on this.
While you understand the problem you realize who is involved in your project (directly or indirectly), who is interested in it or affected by it. This may refine your scope or add some criteria to it. Understanding people and the problem will help you set goals and objectives for your project as well as identify high-level constraints. Those become your project frame (or canvas) to work within. Understanding goal and constraints will help you to set primary expectations with your stakeholders.

2. Planning process group

Detailed scope and requirements will help you to define your high-level deliverables or Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), or Backlog. In the very beginning, your breakdown can be on feature level but you’ll quickly identify smaller items as you go further.
- Sequence (what should go first based on logic and priorities)
- Time estimates (how long it is going to take to deliver that activity)
- Resources required (human or else)These three aspects will define activities dependencies on each other and on external factors. The rest is like collecting a puzzle.
Of course, you’ll refine this as you go through iterations but what it means is that your front end guy doesn’t have to be on this project full time just yet, but only as an advisor. It will help you optimize your work.

Resource and procurement planning have a huge impact on schedule as well. That’s why it’s important to understand what resources are required for each activity (human or material) and what is their availability. It may change priorities or start and end dates, estimates, and dependencies.
Don’t forget to plan how you manage your costs! ;)
Cost estimates are mainly based on your activities resource requirements. Once you counted them and your gross total doesn’t meet your allocated budget, you may have to roll back to your schedule estimates and resource requirements or even scope. Even if you don’t have budget limits, sometimes you just realize that it is not sensible to acquire such an expensive resource.

It’s also good to have a fork estimate and a reserve. Just in case.
Cost estimates is something that happens every time there’s a change or new addition to the schedule and activities, new risk or opportunity involved. As all the other processes it goes through iterations. Update your Project Plan with new details every time.

Yet again, it can be as simple as setting up weekly calls and a slack channel. But in some cases, project area can be sensitive, so that you may need to define what kind of information is communicated through which channels and how it is stored, what level of security is required.
For example, the simplest one, don’t send login and password through one channel and don’t store them in a text file on your computer but use an encrypted method. We all know how that went down for Sony Pictures.
Cultural aspects and remote teams may add more complexity to your communications plan.
- Accept: if it happens we’ll have to be philosophical about it and pay the price.
- Transfer: buy insurance or get a contractor
- Explore: something good happened, let’s milk the situation
- Mitigate: ok, if this goes wrong we have a plan B

There are different types of stakeholders based on their influential power and level of involvement. Those with high influence and involvement you want to keep engaged early. You would want to avoid a situation when an executive walks in the room in the middle of a project and starts changing your scope. h

Let’s say you are building a pipeline through a particular area. People that live in that area may suddenly protest and delay your project. North Dakota pipeline project manager is very unhappy right now.
There’s also a human aspect of this process. You get to know people better, how to communicate with them, what are their concerns and if they can create roadblocks or help you resolve an issue. Project management is also a lot about people skills and dealing with people, don’t forget that.
Details you discover during this process may add to your communications and risk plan.
3. Executing process group
4. Controlling phase

- Collect as much information as possible, support the rationale by data and information
- Account for consequences potential risks and their mitigation
- Get all the approvals required, make sure that all legal work required (if any) is done
- Keep everyone (your stakeholders) informed and their expectations in check.
5. Closing phase
To sum up
Main principles are:
- Project management process groups are iterative. There are constant updates and refinements during the project as you learn more, so you may need to repeat and refine certain activities as you go.
- Project Management Plan is at the heart of your project and it’s a living document. You update it every time as you refine or learn something.
- Project phases and knowledge areas interact as a matrix system. However not all knowledge areas should necessarily be covered in each project phase.
- Follow common sense. Don’t overcomplicate but also don’t skip important steps
- Project manager’s role is pull things together and make it work as a well-tuned mechanism. In PMBoK it is called Integration knowledge area. It’s how you plan, manage, monitor and control project work. We spoke about it earlier throughout this guide
- Project management is not only steps, techniques and procedures. It’s also a lot about interacting with people, building teams and relationships. It’s a journey.
Other resources:
I personally like PM Podcast, hosted by Cornelius Fichtner.
If you’d like to go more niche in different project management approaches, go for Agile or PRINCE2. However, note that PMBoK describes all different approaches and covers it all regardless of the approach you’d like to take. So in my opinion, hardcore PM’s come to it sooner or later ;)
Happy project management!